How Much Does Lachlan Murdoch Make from Rajasthan Royals: Investments, Dividends & Influence

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Lachlan Murdoch is a renowned media executive, entrepreneur, and the heir to one of the most powerful media empires in the world. He has built a strong reputation as a strategic leader, overseeing major media assets, including Fox News. But how much does Lachlan Murdoch make from Rajasthan Royals, one wonders?

Aside from the media, he has an interest in cricket. He has an ownership stake in the Rajasthan Royals in the Indian Premier League. Showcasing his passion to expand his business globally. Lachlan has made bold business moves, carving his own path to success.

How Much Does Lachlan Murdoch Make from the Rajasthan Royals

Lachlan is a minority stakeholder in the Rajasthan Royals IPL team. His company, Blue Water Estate Ltd., holds up to 11.7 per cent of the stakes. The team’s valuation has seen massive growth over the years. In 2023, emerging media ventures sold their stakes, which increased the valuation of the Rajasthan Royals to $800 million.

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If Lachlan has an 11.7% stake, his share value would have increased correspondingly with the valuation of the team.

It is difficult to determine Lachlan Murdoch’s exact earnings from the IPL team because the financial agreement between them has not been disclosed publicly. The franchise or the holders had not yet disclosed their dividend distribution to the media. People say that he invested around US$67 in the franchise.

The team’s brand value rose to $81 million in the year 2024. Making it the seventh team on the ranking table of the IPL franchise.

Influence on the team

Being a stakeholder is not just about the investment; Lachlan influences the team for a broader strategic framework. As he is well known for his strategic business decisions, his business judgments are noted to add value to the team. However, it is important to know that the decision-making powers remain in the hands of the majority shareholders.

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